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Dr. Dominic Civica, D.C.

Dr. Dominic Civica, D.C.

University of Western States 
(formerly Western States Chiropractic College)
Dr. Dominic Civica is originally from Saskatchewan, Canada. He studied kinesiology at the University of Saskatchewan before moving to Portland to attend the University of Western States. While at University of Western States Dr. Dom acquired his Bachelor of Science in Human Biology, as well as his Doctor of Chiropractic degree.

Before deciding to go through the long process of becoming a chiropractor, Dr. Dom worked in the construction industry where he found a passion for working with his hands. His love for hands on work, as well as his immense interest in the human body ultimately drove the decision to become a chiropractor.

Dr. Dom has always been an active individual. In his free time, he currently enjoys rock climbing, camping, and hiking. He also thoroughly enjoys taking advantage of all the unique food and drink that is available in Portland.
BSc Human Biology
Extremity Adjusting Specialist
Diversified Technique
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