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Do I need a lawyer for a car accident?

A lawyer is filling out paperwork at his desk.
A car accident can cause severe injuries that require emergency medical supervision. Even when the injuries following a car accident appear minor, you might have to deal with niggling pain during the days and months following the accident.

If you were involved in a car accident and suffered injuries, the first course of action is to seek medical attention to heal your body.

Accident Care can help guide you in the case a lawyer is needed to file a claim

Besides taking care of your injuries, our chiropractors can also help you file insurance claims and proceed with your case if you consider hiring a lawyer.

Circumstances Where You Need to Hire a Lawyer

When you get involved in a car accident where the other driver is clearly at fault, it is up to you if you want to further strengthen your case by hiring a lawyer. But in situations where there is a dispute about who is responsible for the accident, you need to hire a lawyer to prepare a strong case.

Here are some reasons you need to hire a lawyer to help you win the accident settlement:

To gather evidence

Hiring a lawyer would help you in organizing the evidence surrounding the accident. Proper evidence will help you clear your name and put the burden of blame on the other driver, making your case a strong one to win the settlement.

To file an insurance claim

Where you plan to claim insurance, hiring a lawyer can be highly beneficial. When an insurance settlement is initiated, your lawyer can review the settlement terms to see if they are acceptable and in accordance with the extent of the injury suffered.

For that, your lawyer may have to analyze the documentation provided by medical professionals, like chiropractors, to highlight the severity of the injury suffered and the amount you should receive because of the accident.

Chiropractor services like Accident Care Chiropractic offer specialized services for car accident survivors and can assist in providing the required documentation to best help your lawyers.

Some of the documentation provided by chiropractors to help your claim are:
A detailed report of your medical charts to provide a list of your injuries and symptoms.
Details regarding the medical treatments that were provided throughout the course of your treatment with the chiropractor.
A report on the billing process maintained during the treatment, including details regarding the dates and cost of each procedure.

Where a claim is denied

Where an insurance claim is denied because of a lack of proper evidence or other technical factors, hiring a lawyer would help you contest the denial and get the compensation you need to cover your medical expenses.

In case of loss of work

Where car accident injuries cause you to miss work or lose a job or income, hiring a lawyer can help include these factors into the settlement, helping you get the compensation you need.

To get settlement faster

A car accident can cause physical and emotional trauma, making it difficult for you to handle the cumbersome technicalities while dealing with the insurance companies and get the accident settlement from the responsible driver.

Hiring a lawyer can free you from the burdens of claiming a settlement when you can focus solely on recovering from the injuries and getting back on your feet.

Also, every state has a deadline to settle a legal dispute regarding an auto accident under a statute of limitation. Considering that the time starts running from the date of the accident, it makes sense to hire a lawyer as soon as possible to help you get the settlement within the time period.

What can a lawyer do for you?

If you have suffered injuries after a car accident because of the negligent action of another driver, you can get an accident settlement that can cover medical expenses incurred to recover from the injuries. It may also cover your chiropractic fees.

A lawyer, when hired, can help you get an accident settlement from the negligent party by following up with the following actions:
Obtain a police report showing details of how the accident occurred;
Speak with the witnesses to gather testimony from them;
Use the assistance of accident reconstruction specialists and expert testimony to establish the responsibility of the negligent party;
Talk to your chiropractor and collect the documentation that can be used to establish your injuries and strengthen the case against the negligent party.
Also, your lawyer will build up your case to ensure that you qualify for economic and non-economic awards based on the loss suffered from the accident. Depending on your situation, you can get compensation for:
Medical bills, including chiropractor fees
Pain and suffering
Mental trauma
Physical therapy
Loss of income
Property damage
We at Accident Care Chiropractic offer specialized chiropractic care to help you recover from car accident-related injuries. Our chiropractors will perform imaging tests like X-rays and MRIs to determine the nature of your injuries before drawing up a treatment plan that best suits your requirements.

How Accident Care Chiropractic Helps You in Your Legal Process

While our specialized chiropractors use non-invasive techniques to help you heal faster, our highly knowledgeable administrative team can assist you with the voluminous paperwork to help you get the best settlement from the insurance company.

We maintain extensive records of your medical details that can strengthen your insurance claims and help you get the accident settlement, covering your chiropractor fees. We also directly communicate with your insurance company and lawyer so that you can focus on your recovery process.

Our service area extends to Portland, OR; Vancouver, Salem, Hillsboro, and beyond. So if you or your loved ones are experiencing car accident-related injuries, reach out to us today to schedule a consultation!

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