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Joint Pain and Instability

Are you suffering from Joint Pain and instability?

A medical model of human knee joint.
You can experience joint instability or pain when the soft tissues surrounding a joint fail to support it, causing instability and dislocation.

What are joint instability and pain?

The joints in your body, like that in the shoulder or upper arm, are firmly held in place by the socket lining, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons surrounding them.

When, because of an injury, whether from a car accident or sports, the surrounding soft tissues weaken, stretch, tear, or cannot support the joint, you can face joint instability and pain in the area.

You can experience dislocation of the joint when the ends of the bones forming the joint get partially or entirely removed from their original position.

While acute joint instability is caused by sudden and severe dislocation of joints, chronic joint instability is characterized by recurrent dislocation of joints.

What are the causes of joint pain and instability?

Joint instability can happen because of injuries arising from car accidents or a sudden fall, causing dislocation of joints.

These are some of the causes that can result in joint instability.
Motor vehicle accidents
Loose ligaments
Sports-related injuries like those require repetitive actions, e.g., baseball, tennis
Contact sports like football
Injury or a hard blow to a joint
Overuse of a joint
Falling on an outstretched hand
Degenerative joint diseases
Repetitive shoulder dislocations
Children can be susceptible to joint instability until their ligaments, bones, and tendons fully develop

What do the symptoms of joint pain and instability feel like?

Joint stability can commonly occur in unstable joints like:
Any injury in your joints, whether from a car accident or playing a sport, can cause pain and discomfort. But it can be a sign of joint instability if:
The dislocation repeatedly occurs in the same joints, making it chronic.
You can feel tenderness in the joints.
You get the feeling of the joints giving out.
You get a sense of numbness, pain, and tingling sensation in your affected joint because of an injury.
Some of the common symptoms of joint instability are:
Abnormal crackling or popping sound in the joints
Fracture or dislocation
Acute pain and discomfort
Swelling or bruising
Limited range of motion
Visible deformity
Tenderness in the joints
A Numbness or tingling sensation

Joint dislocation and instability in an auto accident

Although joint instability and dislocation can occur in any part of the body, injuries in an auto accident can involve dislocation of the following:
Spinal cord
While some of these dislocations can be fatal, others can cause damage to the surrounding ligaments, tendons, nerves, and muscles surrounding the joint, causing acute pain and limited mobility in the affected area.

Joint instability complications

The complications from joint instability can include the following symptoms:
A decrease in the range of motions
Damage to the blood vessels and the surrounding nerve tissue
Rotator cuff damage
Joint instability requiring surgical repair
Repeated partial dislocations

How are joint pain and instability diagnosed?

Joint instability can be challenging to diagnose on its own. If you are experiencing joint pain and a lack of mobility in your joints, your doctor will perform a physical check-up and ask about any recent injuries and accidents you might have faced to determine the cause of such discomfort.
A complete physical examination would include a check-up of the strength, stability, and range of mobility in your affected joint.
If needed, the doctor can perform imaging tests like:
X-ray: to look at the damage to the joint causing the instability;
M.R.I scan and ultrasound: For a detailed evaluation of the health of the soft tissues surrounding the joint to confirm the diagnosis.

What is the treatment of joint pain and instability?

The treatment in case of joint instability will depend on the location of the joint and the severity of the instability in the affected area. Commonly, the treatment involves:
Rest: You need to rest the affected area and avoid strenuous, repetitive activity involving the joint. A supportive device like a sling can be used for two weeks to allow the joint to rest and heal;
Ice: You can apply an ice wash or ice pack to the affected joint area for a few days to reduce pain and swelling;
Medications: Your doctor may prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory medicines like Ibuprofen to reduce pain and swelling in the joint area; Steroidal injection can also be administered to decrease swelling;
Physical therapy and rehabilitation program: You can visit a chiropractor who can use gentle exercise to improve mobility in your joints, strengthening them in the process; A rehabilitation program can prevent scarring while allowing the joints to heal using strengthening and coordinating exercises;
Surgery: Where surgery is required, the chiropractor can recommend you to a surgical specialist who can manipulate the joint, restoring it to its normal position.

Can a chiropractor help you if you have joint pain and instability?

Chiropractic practices take a holistic approach to healing your joints naturally using gentle stretching exercises and spinal manipulation techniques.
The best thing about using chiropractic care is that it uses manual therapy without involving outside medication leaving behind the annoying side effects that come with them.
Here are some techniques your chiropractor can use to remove joint pain and instability:
Spinal manipulation techniques: Using spinal adjustments, the chiropractor uses high velocity, low amplitude thrusts in the affected joints in your spine to restore them to their original position, healing your entire body in the process;
Massage therapy: The chiropractor uses spine mobilization techniques involving low velocity, low amplitude thrusts to improve oxygen and blood flow in the affected area, reducing pain and swelling;
Heat and cold therapy: This can help to reduce inflammation and manage pain.
Electrical therapy: A device is used to provide mild electrical stimulation to the affected joints to stimulate the surrounding muscles and joints;
Ultrasound and laser therapy: Ultrasound and laser are used to relieve pain and bring down swelling in the joints and the surrounding area.
Chiropractic care can be an excellent therapy to optimize your joint function, allowing natural healing of your body by:
Improving mobility in your joints
Reducing nerve pressure
Enhancing the strength and resilience of your joints
If you are suffering from joint pain and instability because of an auto accident, work or sports injury, or for any other reason, our chiropractic care can offer an effective, non-invasive, gentle method to relieve the pain and swelling in your joints.

Visit Accident Care Chiropractic for Joint Pain and Instability

The doctors at Accidental Chiropractic Care can offer the highest quality chiropractic care to relieve you from the debilitating pain and discomfort of joint instability, restoring strength and mobility in your joints.

Our service area extends to Portland, OR; Vancouver; Salem; Hillsboro; and beyond. So if you are experiencing shoulder pain and stiffness, reach out to us today to schedule a consultation!

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